I can’t find my track from today. Is there any way to recover it?

Erstellt von Marisa Demontis, Geändert am Fr, 15 Jul, 2022 um 12:24 NACHMITTAGS von Marisa Demontis

Mobile devices can produce errors when logging GPS data. A good way to try to recover the track is to send us the GPS logs from the app. To do so:

  • From the App Home, click on the settings button (to the upper right side) – App settings – About information.
  • Once you are in the “About information” section, you’ll have to click 10 times where it says “App version”.
  • When you click the last time, an email screen will open with the GPS logs attached. Send them to us at usersupport@skitudeservices.com so that we can analyse them.

Soon after, you’ll receive a response from our technical support team and we’ll keep you informed about the status of your incident.

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