What are challenges? How can I participate in them?

Erstellt von Marisa Demontis, Geändert am Fr, 15 Jul, 2022 um 12:24 NACHMITTAGS von Marisa Demontis

Challenges are competitions and temporary contests offered within the application in which you can compare yourself with other users, and win sponsor prizes. Participation is always free.

To participate you must set up your profile as public. To do so:

  • Join into your "My Skitude" profile
  • Tap to settings at the right of your profile image
  • Select "Privacy" and turn off your "Private profile" (must be unselected)
  • Tap to "Set all my activity to public"

Once done, open the app and check that you are logged into your “My Skitude” account. Participating in challenges is very easy:

  • Select the challenges section,
  • Choose the challenge you prefer,
  • Read the participation conditions,
  • Accept by touching the “join” button. From that moment on, all the stats you register through the app will count toward that challenge.

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